[Warrior] FURY DD

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[Warrior] FURY DD

Beitragvon Braehgo » Sa 4. Jan 2020, 01:32

1. Raid Support
2. Talents & Glyphs
3. Stat Priority
4. Rotation
5. Sockets, Enchants, Buff Food, Flasks, & Pots
6. BIS Gear List
7. Professions
8. Macros
9. Power Auras

Hello all you beautiful people! My name is Braehgo and this is my first Fury Warrior (PvE) Guide. It is meant to be a quick reference guide to outline the most important information needed to effectively raid in end-game content WOTLK on the Rising Gods private server. I will be adding a very important link at the BOTTOM of the guide to the Elitist Jerks in-depth Fury warrior discussion for all you number-crunching nerds.

1. Raid support

Sunder Armor: This is the most important raid support ability Warriors have! This debuff should be fully stacked ASAP (in a HC raid). If you find you are the only Warrior in the raid, I recommend you to take the dps hit and stack this ability full before you begin with your normal rotation. When other warriors are in the raid, communicate with them which of you will have sunder armor as a priority in the normal rotation. The normal rule is to have the Warrior with lower DPS keep Sunder Armor stacks up at all times.

Rampage: (+5% Crit chance) This is the only Aura buff fury warriors bring to the table. It does not stack with Leader of the Pack from Feral Druid, so if you are in a Stamm raid with a Feral and they have specked that talent, and you are a min/max freak, then communicate with your Feral and move the points to something else like Enrage. (Note: this really should not be necessary and even if you choose to do this at the highest level of play you will most likely not “see” a real difference in personal DPS because it would only net you a possible 1-2% temporary, situational increase.

Shouts: Battle Shout (+550 AP) and Commanding Shout (+2,2K HP). Normally Paladins buff +AP, so unless you don’t have any Paladins, you will not be using Battle Shout. On the other hand, Commanding Shout is very handy (especially when doing HC’s) because more HP is always a good thing. Since you Glyph your shouts, they will last for 4 min. Try your best to keep Battle Shout up during boss fights to help your raid; there are many opportunities to do this once you get comfortable with the rotation.

2. Talents & Glyphs

As a Fury Warrior, your talent build will change, slightly, as your gear changes. When you are a fresh 80 Fury your main priority will be rage generation. As your gear increases and you reach important caps like Hit (8%), Expertise (26), and Armor Penetration (1400) you will be moving talents around to maximize your dps. (Note: Some people will argue to max out Enrage at the cost of other talents like Heroic Fury, Piercing Howl, and/or Improved Cleave…I would not recommend this!!!) Heroic Fury is mobility, and mobility = DPS. Piercing Howl is useful in fights like Sourfang, Valithria Dreamwalker, and Lich King, just to name a few…it is an AOE slow that is very useful and you will use it; even in a Stamm Raid where people do what they are supposed to do most of the time. Improved Cleave…YES PLEASE! Extra dmg on one of your most OP abilities…YES a MUST!!!

This is a talent build which will be used from fresh 80 until approx. 6k GS (T10, 4Pc set bonus)

Fresh 80 Talents (2).png
Notice in this build the focus is on maximum Rage generation by maxing out "Unbridled Wrath"
Fresh 80 Talents (2).png (610.24 KiB) 628-mal betrachtet

This next talent build is modified, slightly, to min/max dps at the cost of rage generation. Use this build after you realize you generate enough rage to not starve yourself mid-fight; normally after you have full T10 4Pc set bonus and at least a 5.8k GS. (Note: I recommend you wait until 6k + GS to utilize this build).

6k GS Talents (2).png
The focus in this build is maximizing personal DPS by moving 2 points from "Unbridled Wrath" to "Enrage"
6k GS Talents (2).png (612.64 KiB) 628-mal betrachtet

Glyphs: These are standard and do not change at any level of game play.

Major Glyphs:

Heroic Strike: When you crit with HS +10 Rage.
Whirlwind: WW CD -2 sec.
Cleave: Number of targets Cleave hits +1.

Minor Glyphs:

Battle: Battle Shout duration increase by 2 min.
Bloodrage: Bloodrage ability costs 0 HP.
Command: Commanding Shout duration increased by 2 min.

3. Stat Priority / Important Caps

Hit: As a Fury we only need 4% to not worry about missing a Boss level mob from behind. (Note: the other %’s come from Draenai, your Talent tree, or enchants on your hands and/or feet…I do not recommend you socket hit!).

Expertise: 26 is standard for all melee classes and apply to Fury as well. (Note: you should be able to reach this cap without gemming or enchanting, but if needed, I recommend enchant on wrists and/or hands)

Armor Penetration: Starting at T9 gear, this is your most important stat until you reach cap (1400). (Note: every gem socket should be Fractured Cardinal Ruby [+20 Arp] until this cap is reached).

Strength: This is your most important stat up to T9! Each point increases your AP by 2. (Note: this is also the most important stat after you reach Arp/Crit Cap).

Crit Chance: After you reach Arp Cap, this becomes important. More crit = more rage. There is much discussion about soft and hard crit cap for warriors. My recommendation to you is after you reach ARP cap, to socket all gem slots with Bold Cardinal Ruby [+20 Str] and/or Inscribed Ametrine [+10 Str/+10 Crit].

Haste: This is your last priority. Eventually (in BIS gear) you will have more Haste, but that is ONLY because you have BIS gear! This should never be socketed or enchanted. Of all the Melee classes Fury Warriors benefit least from Haste so don't worry about it.

Agility: This is a secondary stat for us and multiple pieces of our BIS gear have it. (62.5 points Agility = 1% Crit). Also, 1 point of agility gives you 2 points of armor. Armored to the Teeth gives you 1 AP for every 36 points of armor. 18 points of agility, therefore, gives you 1 AP.

Stat Prio Summary: Hit > Expertise > ARP (until cap at 1400) > STR > Crit > Haste

4. Rotation / Prio List

(Note: Fury Warrior "rotation" is affected by blood surge procs and these procs come at random times; therefore we need to plan our abilities accordingly to optimize DPS). We have “GAPS” in our rotation which can be filled with various abilities based on the situation i.e. “Prio List”.

(Key: BT= Bloodthirst, WW= Whirlwind, HS= Heroic Strike, C= Cleave, SA= Sunder Armor, SL= Slam, BS= Battle Shout, CS= Commanding Shout, R= Rend, HT= Heroic Throw, EX= Execute, GCD= Global Cool Down)

A normal rotation segment for a Fury looks like this: BT_WW_[1 Sec gap]_BT___[FREE GCD]___[1 Sec gap]…and so on. In this “FREE GCD” you can put SL> HT > EX (no spam)> SA> R> CS or BS as needed . So to sum up the prio list for a fury looks like this: BT > WW > SL > HT > EX (never spam this or you will rage starve yourself) > SA > R > CS / BS. HS & CL don't use a GCD so they are seperate to this list and should be used at all times unless doing so will cause you to rage starve, so pay attention to your rage levels!

When you have 4pc T10 bonus you will have the opportunity to get double bloodsurge procs (2x SL with 1 sec GCD each). This is massive, but adds in complications to our "rotation" because the procs are random. The Elitist Jerks do a wonderful job explaining all the details of how and when to use these and get into the opportunity cost of decisions of all different scenarios concerning timing of your abilities. This being said, I will give you the short and simple breakdown of how it looks...

The best time to "weave" the bloodsurge slam procs are any time you have more than 1 sec CD before your next BT or WW. Since WW always follows the 1st BT in a DPS segment (as shown above) the best time is either before BT or after WW. It is a huge DPS loss to delay BT/WW for a slam proc at any time so NEVER DO THIS!

[scenario example 1: cast BT, WW, BT (and get a bloodsurge proc) cast both slams immediately!]
[scenario example 2: cast BT (get a bloodsurge proc -> wait to use this), WW, proc 1, BT, proc 2]
again the scenario possibilities are endless because of the randomness of the procs. Just practice in Heroics, training dummy etc. until you get the feel for it.

Here is another way of looking at this topic which I copied directly from the elitist Jerks Fury Guide for your enjoyment:

Often there are times where we have to use other abilities outside of BT, WW, or Slam such as Death Wish, shouts, Recklessness, etc. If you can, it is best to plan to use these abilities after the 2nd BT if you have no Bloodsurge available. Sometimes you are faced with choosing between this ability and a Slam if you do not wish to step out of the rotational basis. This is where the 9.0s period can come into play.

Seconds Action
0.0 Bloodthirst
1.5 Whirlwind
3.0 Expiring Slam / Ability
4.5 Bloodthirst
6.0 Ability
7.5 Expiring Slam / Ability
9.0 Bloodthirst, Start of next period

To maximize DPS at pull: Be Flasked (Endless Rage), 11 sec before pull use Bloodrage (this is also the time to shout if needed) 3 sec before pull, use Recklessness and use Potion (Indestructible or Speed/Insane Strength…I prefer Indestructible because many fights start with Heroism and a double haste buff is unnecessary) then use Deathwish just before you are in range of boss so that your GCD is over when you are in melee rage and can start rotation of BT > WW. It is important to use BT > WW at first when Recklessness is active to maximize the 100% crit chance and therefore DPS.

Using Rend: Only use Rend when you have a FREE GCD (as shown above) and NOTHING ELSE IS USEFUL!!! If you can try and time it at a phase transition (like flight phase at BQ/ Sindragosa or Winter phase at LK to get some extra DOTs on the target do so, but not at the cost of missing a BT or WW. (I really need to stress that using Rend is very risky and MUST be executed properly in order for it to be a small DPS push (~1%); in most cases there is a greater chance that Rend will decrease your DPS [if you execute it improperly]. So practice as much as possible until you get very comfortable with it before you regularly do HC raids and mess it up there, the DPS loss in a HC raid will really be noticed.)

***When you are the ONLY Fury in the raid or you are the lowest geared Fury in the raid and there is no Warrior Tank it is YOUR responsibility to apply SA ASAP!!! This means you delay your FULL DPS Combo (see above) until after 5 stacks of SA is applied!!! You will be boosting your own DPS as well as every other physical damage based Class in the raid…it’s called TEAM WORK, DO IT!!!***

Note: In a strong Non Heroic ICC Raid, SA is not always needed because the raid DPS is so high you simply don’t need to apply the debuff…if this is the case then focus on your own personal DPS and take SA out of the options to fill the FREE GCD.

Some examples of me playing Fury in ICC 25man HC

Lord Marrowgar HC. As an MDD it is importat to delay your AOE abilities until the Bone Spikes come. Also when the boss spins you need to move as a group and concentrate your DPS on the bone spikes so the RDDs can focus on the boss.


Lady Deathwhisper HC It's very important to avoid the Vengeful Spirits (check your portrait for aggro) and stay out of the D&D. Lastly, don't over aggro the tanks. GG.


Gunship Battle In the beginning of the video I show what NOT to do in the canon. Stack until at least 90 then use your empowered shot. If you are at 89 power you can stack 1 more time. Try and judge the raid dps on the Frost Mage so can jump back to your canon just as it is unfrozen.


Saurfang HC. An ez fight, but it is important to time your WW with the beasts to maximize damage and help your RDDs get them down ASAP!


Festergut HC. Please pay attention to my use of Rend (between the auto attack swings). I show how to "weave" your double slam procs into a normal rotation BETWEEN BT and WW (Since you have a 1 sec CD on the double Slam procs you don't have to wait to use them, just watch and see what I mean).


Rotface HC. Please note how we move as a group in the melee camp to avoid the slime explosion!


Professor Putricide HC. Note my positioning during phase 2-3 is to the side and/or in front of the boss to ensure I don't step into the "Choking Gas Bomb" (very important as melee...its the ultimate fail and DPS loss in this fight).


Blood Queen HC You want to let the RDD's get the first bite...just stack SA until bite is out and continue full dps rota thereafter. It is really beneficial to the raid for an RDD to get the first bite b/c they don't have down time on thier dps during the flight phase.


Valithria Dreamwalker HC. Please remember to save your interrupts for the mages casting "Frost bolt Volley". Be aware of the pattern in this fight...the same mobs come out in the same order and have the same priority throughout the entire fight. Memorize this to optimize your CDs to maximize your burst damage at the right time. Always move back to the center of the room to shorten the distance of getting to the next mobs.


Sindragosa NH. Please note my positioning behind the ice blocks! This is a simple, but important mechanic as in HC the blasts one-shot you! Also please don't stack your debuff too high (especially in HC) or you will get one-shot as well and kill members of your raid.


Lich King NH. Make sure you position yourself to maximize your cleave dmg in phase 1. Manage your CDs to be available after Quake. When spreading out because of "Defile" make sure to stay in charge range.


Lich King HC As a Fury Warrior your job in this fight is to deal out as much damage as possible while performing a few simple mechanics. In phase one watch out for the melee Shadow Traps. In phase 2 make sure to spread out for Defile (stay in charge range). Don't over aggro the tanks and GG.


Ruby HC In this fight (phase one) it is very important to move directly to the boss tail if you get a debuff (this helps in dealing with mobs and transitioning to phase 2). During phase 2 make sure to notice the positioning of the purple spheres behind the boss to ensure you don't get caught by the "cutter". Make sure to play at max melee range during the entire fight and don't over aggro the tank...GG


5. Sockets, Enchants, Buff Food, Flasks & Pots

Meta: Relentless Earthsiege Diamond [+21 Agility/3% Increase Crit Dmg] (activate this with a Nightmare Tear [+10 all Stats] (optimally in the Chest of your T10 gear).

Rest: Fractured Cardinal Ruby [+20 ARP] (until cap of 1400), then swap out for Inscribed Ametrine [+10 Str/+10 Crit] or Bold Cardinal Ruby [+20 Str]. (Note: the closer you get to BIS gear you will jsut want to socket STR Gems because you will already have enough Crit from your gear)


Head: Arcanum of Torment (Ebon Blade, exalted)
Shoulders: Greater Inscription of the Axe (Sons of Hodir, exalted)
Back: +22 Agility / +23 Haste (only when crit capped) (both from Enchanting)
Chest: +10 all stats (Enchanting)
Bracers: Assault (Enchanting)
Gloves: Crusher (Enchanting)
Belt: Eternal Belt Buckle (Blacksmith)
Legs: Icescale Leg Armor (Leatherworking)
Boots: +32 AP (Enchanting)
Weapons: Berserking on BOTH (Enchanting)

Buff Food: Dragonfin Fillet (+40 Str/+40 Stam)
Flask: Flask of Endless Rage (+180 AP)
Pots: Indestructible potion (+3500 Armor for 2 min.)

6. BIS Gear:

Head: (HC) Sactified Ymirjar Lord’s Helmet (Plate Vendor)
Neck: (HC) Penumbra Pendant (25 man Ruby)
Shoulders: (HC) Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Shoulderplates (Plate Vendor)
Back: (HC) Vereesa’s Dexterity (25 man TOGC 50 TL), (HC) Shadowvault Slayer’s Cloak (25 man ICC)
Chest: (HC) Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Battleplate (Plate Vendor)
Wrists: (HC) Toskk's Maximized Wristguards (25 man ICC), (HC) Umbrage Armbands (Ruby) (debatable, but I like Toskk's more because I like ot get as much ARP from my gear as I can)
Hands: (HC) Aldriana’s Gloves of Secrecy (25 man ICC)
Waist: (HC) Coldwrath Links (25 man ICC)
Legs: (HC) Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Legplates (Plate Vendor)
Feet: (HC) Apocalypse’s Advance (25 man Ruby)
Ring: (HC) Frostbrood Sapphire Ring (25 man ICC)
Ring: (HC) Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance (Ashen Verdict, exalted)
Trinket: (HC) Deathbringer’s Will (25 man ICC)
Trinket: (HC) Sharpened Twilight Scale (25 man Ruby)
Main Hand: Shadowmourne (Quest)
Off Hand: (HC) Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand (25 man ICC)
Ranged: (HC) Fal’inrush, Defender of Quel’thalas (25 man ICC)

7. Professions

Before I recommend anything please understand you can take whatever you like, however for those who want to min/max DPS and optimize raid performance there are some professions which stand out…

Jewel crafting is the best profession for static stat buffs. It simply gives you more flat bonus than any other profession in the game…yeah it’s really that good!

Blacksmithing is great because it is also a static buff. Two extra gem slots is no joke and according to any damage/theory-crafting calculator out there it will give you the “most DPS”. Most importantly, while you are in the process of gearing up, it gives you extra gem slots to reach important caps like Arp, Hit and Exp.

Engineering is a top choice for many serious raiders because of 2 bonuses:
1. Nitro Boosts Tinker (major run speed increase for a short time; this is useful in fight such as Halion & Lich King, or any other situation where you need to get around quickly…mobility = DPS).
2. Hyperspeed Accelerator Tinker for Gloves (+340 Haste for 12 sec. 1 min. CD)

I recommend you to take Jewel crafting and Blacksmith until almost full BIS, and then if you want to change Blacksmith to Engineering for the extra Haste CD, it may make a difference in DPS and the utility of move speed on your boots is really nice as well in some specific boss fights like Halion or Lich King.

(Note: this is also a play style decision for taking or not taking Engineering and is totally up to the player in the end)

8. Macros

#showtooltip Bloodthirst
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cast Bloodthirst
/cast [nomod] !Heroic Strike
/cast [mod:shift] !Cleave
(Note: adding the "[mod:shift] / [nomod]" gives this 1 button the funcionality of two buttons and, therefore, saves space on your skillbar! Basically what this does is if you press the key bind to use BT it will start attack, cast BT and cast heroic strike. If you use the modifier "shift" it will instead cast CL. I recommend this type of macro ONLY for those above a 6k+ GS or when you realize you will not rage starve yourself. If that is the case then you can spam this button even when BT is on CD so you never miss a HS!...your welcome!)

#showtooltip Whirlwind
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cast Whirlwind
/cast [nomod] !Heroic Strike
/cast [mod:shift] !Cleave

Slam Proc
#showtooltip Slam
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cast Slam
/cast !Heroic Strike

Sunder Armor
#showtooltip Sunder Armor
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cast Sunder Armor
/cast !Heroic Strike

#showtooltip Rend
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Rend
/cast Berserker Stance
(Note: I normally spam this macro to cycle through the stance swapping as quickly as possible)

#showtooltip Disarm
/Cast Defensive Stance
/equipslot 16 Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy
/equipslot 17 Neverending Winter
/cast Disarm
(Note: really useful on fights like Gunship to help out your tank as he aggros Saurfang or with Baltharus as he does Blade Tempest)

Shield Wall
#showtooltip Shield Wall
/cast Defensive Stance
/equipslot 17 Neverending Winter
/equipslot 16 Mithrios, Bronzbeard's Legacy
/cast Shield Wall
(Note: you will need to change the names of your main hand and shield to the items you actually have in your inventory)

Weapon Swap
/equipslot 16 Cryptmaker
/equipslot 17 Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand
/cast Berserker Stance
(Note: this is used for swapping back to your DPS weapons after using the shield wall macro)

Intercept-Heroic Fury-Intervene
#showtooltip Intercept
/cast [nomod] Intercept
/cast [mod:shift] Heroic Fury
/cast [mod:ctrl] Defensive Stance
/cast [mod:ctrl] [target=mouseover, exists] Intervene
(Note: really useful for saving space on your action bar because 1 button (with modifiers) takes care of every dash you have, but be careful not to "intervene" to a tank or you might get 1 shotted)

Special note: Some Fury's like to use the script "/cancelaura Chaosbane" in their ability macros like BT/WW etc. This is a highly debatable topic and in my opinion boss fight specific. The theory is by canceling the aura you force the explosion, causing 2k AOE dmg to all mobs around you, instead of stacking up the soul shards and getting the +270 Str buff for 10 sec. This should be very useful on fights like Saurfang, Valithria Dreamwalker, or Lich King to name a few where there are multiple targets throughout the fight. However, it is also debatable that on single target fights the +270 Str proc is better. I will leave this decision up to you as many times I'm just too lazy to change my macros out for each boss fight. If you want to add this script to your macros to experiment, I would suggest you add them to the bottom of each macro.)

9. Power Auras

Sunder Armor
Version:3.0.0W; target:true; icon:Ability_Warrior_Sunder; buffname:Sunder Armor; x:-123; bufftype:2; alpha:0.8; owntex:true; speed:1.77; combat:true; size:0.34; y:-312; texmode:2; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:2.6; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:TOP; timer.Transparent:true; timer.UseOwnColor:true; stacks.enabled:true; stacks.Relative:CENTER; stacks.Transparent:true; stacks.UseOwnColor:true; stacks.h:1.94

Slam 1 Proc
Version:3.0.0W; b:0.0902; g:0; icon:Ability_Warrior_Bloodsurge; buffname:Slam!; texture:6; alpha:0.6; sound:28; exact:true; size:1.21; y:-10; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:2; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:BOTTOM; timer.y:31; timer.Transparent:true

Slam 2 Proc
Version:3.0.0W; b:0.1216; g:0; icon:Ability_Warrior_Bloodsurge; buffname:Slam!; stacks:2; texture:6; alpha:0.6; exact:true; size:1.65; y:-15; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:2; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:BOTTOM; timer.y:62; timer.Transparent:true

Commanding/Battle Shout
Version:3.0.0W; b:0.9529; anim1:4; icon:Ability_Warrior_RallyingCry; buffname:Commanding Shout/Battle Shout; r:0.9922; x:123; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:16; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; combat:true; size:0.34; y:-311; texmode:2; inverse:true

Sudden Death
Version:3.0.0W; b:0.2549; icon:Ability_Warrior_ImprovedDisciplines; buffname:Sudden Death; r:0.0588; x:1; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:4; alpha:1; sound:23; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; combat:true; size:0.96; y:-10; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:1.6; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:100; timer.Transparent:true

Version:3.0.0W; icon:Spell_DeathKnight_BladedArmor; buffname:Hysteria; x:-210; owntex:true; isResting:0; sound:23; size:0.34; y:-315; texmode:2; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:1.75; timer.Texture:WhiteRabbit; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-340; timer.x:-211; timer.Transparent:true; timer.UseOwnColor:true
(for the times you have a generous DK tank in your raid and he gives you this buff...try to coordinate with him so your Deathwish and Hysteria do not overlap.

Tricks of the Trade
Version:3.0.0W; icon:Ability_Rogue_TricksOftheTrade; buffname:Tricks of the Trade; x:-326; owntex:true; isResting:0; size:0.19; y:-376; texmode:2

Hyperspeed Acceleration
Version:3.0.0W; icon:Spell_Shaman_ElementalOath; buffname:Hyperspeed Acceleration; x:-277; owntex:true; isResting:0; size:0.19; y:-376; texmode:2; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:1.25; timer.Texture:WhiteRabbit; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER; timer.Transparent:true; timer.UseOwnColor:true

Note: These are optimized for my own personal use with my UI setup. You will need to adapt these settings you your own preferences. You will notice that all of my power auras will have a timer and/or a stack count, when necessary, except for the shouts. This is because I only want to be reminded when they are NOT active; you can change these preferences easily in the settings.

Extra useful addon:
AZCastbar Get this from the Rising Gods website in the addons section. This addon will track EVERYTHING in game...it's ridiculous and you don't need all that, however, it will track your SWING timer! This is very important because of all those "elite" players who want to use the rend macro properly. You will need to time it just after you have auto attacked. What I mean is how the Rend macro should be used is...

You have your FREE GCD and you don't have to refresh Sunder Armor, Shouting, and you have no Slam proc. In this time frame you will have approx. 3 seconds to use your Rend macro (and for it to be finished BEFORE your next auto attack and therefore Cleave/Heroic Strike). The timing here is complicated because it must line up with your auto attack swings! Meaning, you auto attack and then IMMEDIATELY use the Rend macro (if it still fits in the GCD timing so you don't cut into your normal rotation). If you don't time this right you may rage starve yourself mid fight (NO GO) or you will miss a Heroic Strike/Cleave (Neg DPS=NO GO). So like I said, please practice this...a lot, and don't force it in an important Boss fight unless you know you can do it.

As promised the Nerd link-> https://web.archive.org/web/20130209181158/http://elitistjerks.com/f47/t37804-warrior_fury_compendium/

Another very useful link to Landoul's Warrior DPS/Gear spreadsheet. Just follow the link and scroll down for another link to get the download in the language you prefer...


***Sometimes on Rising Gods the 4pcT10 bonus glitches. It will be shown as a double bloodsurge (slam) proc and you will be able to cast slam accordingly, however the GCD is not reduced to 1 sec. as it should and the normal 1.5 sec CD is in effect.***

Here the Link to an example of the 4pc t10 bonus fail proc

Summer is here! Play the top dps class in WOTLK and beat down those pansy Frost DKs! <3 Braehgo
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Registriert: Mi 11. Dez 2019, 20:24

von Anzeige » Sa 4. Jan 2020, 01:32



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