[Priest] Holy

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[Priest] Holy

Beitragvon Braehgo » Mo 17. Feb 2020, 15:36

1. Raid Support
2. Talents & Glyphs
3. Stat Priority
4. Rotation
5. Sockets, Enchants, Buff Food, Flasks, & Pots
6. BIS Gear List
7. Professions
8. Power Auras

Hello all you beautiful people! My name is Braehgo and this is my Holy Priest (PvE) Guide. It is meant to be a quick reference guide to outline the most important information needed to effectively raid in end-game content WOTLK on the Rising Gods private server.
Abbreviation key: BH=Binding Heal, FH= Flash Heal, GH= Greater Heal, CoH= Circle of Healing, PoH= Prayer of Healing, PoM= Prayer of Mending, SoL= Surge of Light, HoT= Heal over Time, OPAF= Over Powered as Fuck

1. Raid Support
Prayer of Fortitude: Gives 214 Stamina to all raid members.
Prayer of Spirit: Gives 80 Spirit to all raid members (some classes, including you, get more spell power from spirit so this has 2 effects).
Shadow Protection: Gives 130 Shadow resistance to all raid members.
Spirit of Redemption: is a passive skill that activates upon death. When it is Glyphed you will be able to continue casting for an extra 21 seconds!
All of these buffs should be applied at all times in a raid! (Make sure to have approx 40-60 “Sacred Candle” before you enter the raid).

2. Talents & Glyphs

Holy (2).png
Holy (2).png (613.8 KiB) 330-mal betrachtet

(Note: These Talents and Glyphs should remain the same, regardless of gear. The one exception could be to swap out “Glyph of Spirit of Redemption” with “Glyph of Flash Heal”. As a fresh 80, you will have serious mana problems and need the mana reduction from one of your main spells.)

3. Stat Priority
Haste: This is the most important stat for Holy Priests, you can Never get enough of it, and unless you gem it and focus on getting gear with Haste, you will not be able to be an effective healer. PERIOD!
Spell Power: This is the second most important stat. This gives your spells stronger effects (heals)! Normally it comes with the gear that has Haste and Spirit, so it’s a no-brainer.
Spirit: This is a very close second stat for Holy Priests (as a fresh 80 this is just as important as Spell Power). Not only does this give you mana regen (50% infight because of your talents), but 25% of your total spirit is converted to Spell Power (because of your talents). Your goal should be to get as much gear with HASTE and SPIRIT as possible!
Crit: A nice stat to have and it is necessary (to a point) for extra procs of SoL, but this stat will come with certain parts of gear and should NOT be gemmed for.
Intellect: Hmmm, let me think, yes please! This gives you a larger mana pool and more Spell Power! (all of your gear will have Intellect on it; if not U R WRONG).

4. Rotation
First of all, there is no rotation for healers!
There are some exceptions when you know there will be major raid dmg (Stinky & Precious for example) or you need to focus on single target healing (Valithria Dreamwalker).

Large Raid Damage
Cast sequence should look like this: pre-cast PoH (time it so it heals just a moment after the raid takes dmg). > CoH and keep it on CD! > BH (2 stacks of Serendipity and 2 chances of SoL procs), > Flash Heal (1 stack of Serendipity, and the chance for a SoL proc). This will give you 3 Stacks of Serendipity so you can cast another PoH ASAP! Repeat as necessary

Single Target
For focused single target healing (Valithria Dreamwalker after you get stacks) you should always have Renew on your target, then cast BH (2 Stacks of Serendipity and 2 chances of SoL procs) > FH (1 stack of Serendipity and the chance for a SoL proc) > GH. Repeat as necessary.

General Tips
Now for the fun part…again there is no “rotation” for healers because you need to be able to predict/react to your raid taking dmg. Normally you should not have to worry about tank healing too much because there should be a Pala heal in your raid and as a Holy priest your strength is in group healing; however, you should keep at least Renew on the tank at all times.

Rather than tell you about a rotation, I will share with you some tips which have helped me maximize my healing as a Holy Priest:

-Try to gain stacks of Serendipity always and as fast as you can (by using BH and 1 FH), this cuts down cast times GREATLY for PoH/GH!

-Keep PoM on raid members at all times; focus those most likely to take dmg (which will change depending on the fight) as the first cast as this will guarantee you healing.

-Cast CoH on Cool Down.

-Guardian Spirit ist one of the most OP spells for a Holy Priest! Use this on the Tank when you think he might be killed and for 10 seconds he will get an extra 50% Heals from ALL SOURCES...50% OPAF. Also, if the tank would fall, instead they will NOT die and be given 35% HP...it's basically the argent defender buff from Pala Tank which can be given to anyone you want...OPAF! (Note: when you glyph this and it does not proc because of target death, the CD will be set to 1 min...OPAF)

-Be aware of your positioning and the positioning of your raid members. If you notice someone is about to do something stupid, you may be able to “save” them by pre-casting a heal.

-Use your “Speed Shield” wisely. It has a 3 sec. cool down and should be used ALWAYS when raid members need to move quickly (Halion debuff, Red slime target in Prof. fight, Defile target in LK fight, Tank when they are kicked by Sindragosa, etc.) Note: if there is a Disci in the raid you need to make them aware that whoever gets targeted by certain debuffs, YOU will be the one shielding them, NOT the Disci.

There is a spell prio (in my opinion) meaning there are certain spells you will almost always want to cast on cool down These are: PoM & CoH. (PoM is great because it is a group heal that heals for a moderate amount immediately and then more over time as a HoT) That being said all 6 of your healing spells have a purpose and you need to know when to use them at the right time to maximize your healing. This takes MUCH practice and I recommend you play around with various healing addons (Voodoo, Healbot) or just macro all your spells to a mouseover target cast. Here is an example:

#showtooltip Flash Heal
/cast[@mouseover, help, nodead] Flash Heal

Be aware of your entire raid at all times (including raid members' mana levels). This is important because of your Hymn of Hope (major mana regen CD, which should be paired with Mana Tide (Shaman) when possible for maximum effectiveness. When you plan to channel this spell make sure you say it in Teamspeak so the Shaman can coordinate with you.

Divine Hymn is a major healing CD which should be used wisely and normally when either a lot of raid damage happens or when you notice the raid heals aren’t enough for the current situation (healer dies, raid members make mistakes, etc.) It’s a good idea to save this CD for a situation where the boss is almost down and you need just that extra push of healing to stay alive long enough for the 1-2% of remaining boss health. If your raid lead is good / you are aware enough, you will know exactly when to use this spell.

5. Sockets, Enchants, Buff Food, Flasks, & Pots
Sockets: Go for the socket bonuses as much as possible. This should be easy because most of your sockets will be mixed Gems…
Red sockets: Reckless Ametrine [+12 Spell / +10 Haste] or Runed Cardinal Ruby [+20 Spell] (I would recommend you to use mixed gems until almost BIS because you really need the Haste…and they’re cheaper ^^)
Yellow sockets: Reckless Ametrine [+12 Spell / +10 Haste]
Blue sockets: Intircate Eye of Zul [+10 Haste / +10 Spirit]

Head: Arcanum of Blissful Mending [+30 Spell / +10 MP5] (Wyrmcrest Accord-Revered)
Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Crag [+24 Spell / +8 MP5] (Sons of Hodir-Exalted)
Back: Darkglow Embroidery (Tailoring) or Greater Speed [+23 Haste] (Enchanting)
Chest: Powerful Stats [+10 all stats] (Enchanting)
Wrist: Superior Spellpower [+30 Spell] (Enchanting)
Hands: Exceptional spellpower [+28 Spell] (Enchanting)
Belt: Eternal Belt Buckle (Blacksmithing)
Legs: Brilliant Spellthread [+50 Spell / +20 spirit] (Tailoring)
Feet: Greater Spirit [+18 Spirit] (Enchanting) or Tuskar’s Vitlity [+move speed / +15 Vit]
2H Staff: Greater Spellpower [+81 Spell] (Enchanting)
1H Weapon: Mighty Spellpower [+63 Spell] (Enchanting)

Buff Food:
Fish Feast! (You can also use Firecracker Salmon since it gives the same buff).

Flasks & Pots:
Flask of the Frost Wyrm [+125 Spellpower] Always!
Potion of Speed [+500 Haste for 15 sec.] (use this wisely as you can only use 1 per fight; don’t use at the same time as Heroism!)

6. BIS Gear List
Head: (HC) Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Hood (Marks)
Neck: (HC) Bone Sentinel’s Amulet (ICC 25man Lord Marrowgar)
Shoulder: (HC) Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Shoulderpads (Marks)
Back: (HC) Greatcloak of the Turned Champion (ICC 25man Saurfang)
Chest: (HC) Sanguine Silk Robes (ICC 25man Blood Prince Council)
Wrist: (HC) Bracers of Firey Night (Ruby 25man)
Hands: (HC) Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Gloves (Marks)
Belt: (HC) Crushing Coldwraith Belt (ICC 25man Lord Marrowgar)
Legs: (HC) Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings (Marks)
Feet: (HC) Plague Scientist’s Boots (ICC 25man Festergut)
Ring 1: Ashen Band of Endless Wisdom (Ashen Verdict-Exalted)
Ring 2: (HC) Memory of Malygos (ICC 25man Sindragosa)
Trinket 1: (HC) Solace of the Defeated (ToGC 25man Lord Jaraxxus)
Trinket 2: (HC) glowing Twilight Scale (Ruby 25man)
2H Staff: (HC) Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas (ICC 25man Lich King)
1H Weapon: (HC) Royal Scepter of Terenas II (ICC 25man Lich King)
Off hand: (HC) Sundial of Eternal Dusk (ICC 25man Sindragosa)
Wand: (HC) Corpse Impaling Spike (ICC 25man Lord Marrowgar)
(Note: For more mana regen use the Staff from LK, and for more heals per second use the mace and off hand)…In my experience the Staff is the better choice because you never want to run out of mana!)

7. Professions
Before I recommend anything please understand you can take whatever you like, however for those who want to min/max HPS and optimize raid performance there are some professions which stand out…

Jewel crafting is the best profession for static stat buffs. It simply gives you more flat bonus than any other profession in the game…yeah it’s really that good!

Tailoring is a preferred profession for all casters because of the Cloak “enchant”, which is considered one of the best profession buffs for all caster classes.

One other profession worth mentioning would be Engineering for the extra +340 Haste buff for 10 sec. (when timed well it could help you get out some crucial heals fast and only has a 1 min. CD)

8. Power Auras
In case you want to know how I have my Power Auras set up, here are the two most important things to track as a Holy Priest…

Serendipity Stacks
Version:3.0.0W; b:0.0471; g:0.9216; icon:Spell_Holy_Serendipity; buffname:Serendipity; texture:2; isResting:0; mine:true; size:1.3; texmode:2; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:2; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:TOP; timer.y:-30; timer.Transparent:true; timer.InvertAuraBelow:24.5; timer.Seconds99:true; stacks.enabled:true; stacks.y:-20; stacks.x:20; stacks.Relative:TOPLEFT; stacks.Transparent:true; stacks.h:2

Surge of Light Procs
Version:3.0.0W; b:0.0824; g:0.7804; icon:Spell_Holy_SurgeOfLight; buffname:Surge of Light; texture:25; alpha:0.4; isResting:0; mine:true; sound:23; size:0.35; y:-127; texmode:2; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:2.1; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER; timer.Transparent:true; timer.UseOwnColor:true

With these two trackers, you will be able to easily monitor your stacks and buffs and, therefore, make snap decisions which will improve your healing output.

Holy Priest is the “most difficult” healer to play in WOTLK. It will take a lot of gear,time, and hard work for you to be high on the heal charts. This being said, playing Holy Priest is a lot of fun and if you are like me you will enjoy the challenge of having to read the situation and choose from multiple possible spells to optimize healing; instead of just spamming 1-2 spells like some other healing classes.
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Registriert: Mi 11. Dez 2019, 20:24

von Anzeige » Mo 17. Feb 2020, 15:36



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